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Governor Protects Tax Breaks for Millionaires Over Relief for Working Class

(3rd LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT) – Senate President Steve Sweeney, Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli and Assemblywoman Celeste Riley on Friday noted a new analysis shows Gov. Chris Christie’s line-item budget vetoes cost 3rd Legislative District schools $28.5 million in state aid.
The Democratic budget plan approved by Burzichelli, Riley and the Legislature would have provided 3rd Legislative District schools with nearly $321.5 million in state aid, but the governor sliced that by 8.9 percent.
Under the governor’s cuts, Salem County Vocational, Kingsway Regional, East Greenwich, South Harrison, Swedesboro-Woolwich, Gloucester County Vocational and Deerfield were hit hardest.
“The budget we presented the governor would have provided additional funding to all schools in the third district, but instead of putting children’s education first, Gov. Christie decided to allow his millionaire friends to keep their tax cut,” said Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Cumberland/Salem). “Clearly, when the governor says shared sacrifice, he only means those who can least afford it.”
“The Democratic budget plan that I supported responsibly restored the funding cut by the governor to suburban and rural schools, but unfortunately the governor would rather protect tax breaks for millionaires than provide full education aid and property tax relief to our constituents,” said Burzichelli (D-Gloucester/Cumberland/Salem.). “The taxpayers of Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem counties deserve better than what they got from this governor. He left working class residents in the cold again.”
“Valuing education and providing property tax relief must be priorities,” said Riley (D-Gloucester/Cumberland/Salem). “We fought hard and sent the governor a plan that would increase state aid for district schools by a significant amount, ensuring full funding for our suburban and rural schools and much-needed property tax relief. It’s unfortunate the governor values tax breaks for millionaires more than help for working class families.”