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Quijano Postpones Hearing on Drone Technology While Committee Continues to Gather Information

Rescheduled Date to Be Announced Soon

Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee Chair Annette Quijano announced that her committee’s hearing scheduled for Monday to discuss drone technology is being postponed until a later date as the committee continues to gather information.

The committee was scheduled to hear testimony from invited guests regarding the technology and capability of unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, and the use of this technology for emergency management and state preparedness purposes.

“We’ve been meeting with relevant stakeholders for quite some time now to gain a better understanding of this burgeoning industry that is constantly making advances.

“Right now we’re working to build a broader coalition so that the dialogue we have before the committee can be even more productive. We hope to announce a rescheduled date in the near future,” said Quijano (D-Union).