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Speaker Coughlin Names Assemblyman Danielsen as Chair of the Public Safety and Preparedness Committee in the 221st Legislative Session

(TRENTON) —Assembly Speaker Craig J. Coughlin has named Assemblyman Joe Danielsen as chair of the Assembly Public Safety and Preparedness Committee in the new legislative session.

The Assembly Public Safety and Preparedness Committee is responsible for reviewing legislation dealing with police, fire and emergency management services, public safety regulations, criminalization of activities, and legal ramifications of crimes.

“Chairman Danielsen’s experience as a veteran, a first responder, and an able legislator on public safety issues make him immensely qualified to lead this expanded committee,” said Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-Middlesex). “His expertise and dedication to protecting all residents of our state will be invaluable. Joe’s work on the landmark concealed carry law will ensure New Jersey remains the safest place in America.”

“We need to make sure we give our police and other emergency management workers all the tools they need to keep us safe,” said Assemblyman Danielsen (D-Middlesex, Somerset). “We have passed common sense public safety legislation in our state, and under my leadership, I look forward to making this a priority.”

In this session, Danielsen also serves as Deputy Whip and vice chair of the Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee. He has been a member of the General Assembly since 2014.